detail Blended Iced Coffee 2

Blended Iced Coffee with Truvía® Calorie-Free Sweetener

Blend up this frosty coffee drink in just minutes. This great tasting, no added sugar, iced coffee is sweetened with Truvía® Calorie-Free Sweetener and has only 10 calories and 1 gram of sugar (from the milk) per serving.

Serving size

5 servings (8 fl. oz. each)


10 Calories


  • 240ml cold water

  • 2 tsp instant coffee

  • 120ml skimmed milk

  • 112 tsp vanilla extract

  • 112 Tbsp (18g) Truvía® Calorie-Free Sweetener

  • 410g ice


  • 1.

    Stir instant coffee into water.

  • 2.

    Add coffee and remaining ingredients to blender.

  • 3.

    Mix on high speed for about 15-30 seconds until combined.

  • 4.

    Serve immediately.

  • 5.

    Replace water and instant coffee with 226g of your favorite brewed coffee.

  • 6.

    Garnish with a dollop of whipped cream.

  • 7.

    Top with chocolate syrup or dust with cocoa powder.

  • 8.

    Add 2 scoops vanilla ice cream.