Truvía® Safety Research and Reports

Any product that has been around for hundreds of years and has the interest of scientists at universities around the world will have decades of research behind it. Steviol glycosides (stevia leaf extract) are backed by volumes of independent research. Global regulatory approvals have been possible because of the rich history of global safety studies and also some modern research.

Research Program

Below are some of the expert reviews confirming the safety of Truvia® stevia leaf extract:

European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)

Reviewed safety of steviol glycosides.

Expert panel’s Scientific Opinion officially published on April 14, 2010 and approval granted in November 2011.

See the journal here. ›

Food and Drug Administration

Issued no-objection letter for rebiana affirmed as Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS); FDA has responded to multiple separate GRAS notifications to date.

If you need additional information about the safety research and reports, please send us your request through the contact us page.

GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) Independent Expert Panel

Critically reviewed steviol glycosides database of studies along with dozens of safety studies published since ~1960.

Concluded the stevia leaf extract ingredient safe for general purpose use as a sweetener. If you need additional information about the safety research and reports, please send us your request through the contact us page.

Health Canada

Reviewed safety of steviol glycosides and considered it safe for consumption in specified foods by the general population.

See the report here ›

Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA)

Comprehensively examined the safety data and set a permanent ADI for steviol glycosides.

See the report here ›

U.S. Toxicology Forum Panel Multi-stakeholder Symposium

Reviewed safety of rebaudioside A to allow for discussion by senior toxicologists in academia, industry and government.

HCP Research Program flower

If you have any additional questions about the research behind Truvía® Calorie-Free Sweetener or for a copy of the stevia leaf extract safety research published in Food and Chemical Toxicology, please contact
